Our Pastor - Timothy I. Jackson, Sr.

Reverend Timothy Isaiah Jackson, Sr. was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, on January 9, 1959, to the late John Jackson, Jr. and the late Thelma Key Jackson. He is the youngest of three siblings, a brother, John Jackson, III and a sister, Sherry (Jackson) McFalls.
Reverend Jackson was baptized at the age 10, and he attended the Mount Zion Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Hamilton. There he sang on the choir and attended Sunday school and regular church services. He attended the Charlottesville Public Schools, as well as, the Upward Bound Program at the University of Virginia College 1974 - 1976. As a participant in the Upward Bound Program, he received Certifications of Merit for Outstanding Progress in Logic, Math, Writing, Science, Reading Comprehension and Advance Math.
Reverend Jackson enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on November 29, 1976, where he specialized in communication and transportation. He received a number of meritorious promotions and meritorious masses. In 1984, he received an Honorable Discharge for serving his country.
In 1985, Reverend Jackson attended the Mira Costa Community College in Vista, California, where he received his certificate in Dendrology. Returning home to Charlottesville Virginia, he began his career as an Arborist with the Bartlett Tree Experts.
In 1993, Reverend Jackson received a Certificate of Completion for the Bible Correspondence Courses from The Good News Missions in Fairfax, Virginia. He also received a certificate for Training for Sunday School Teachers by the Baptist Sunday School and BTU Congress of Virginia and began teaching the adult class at Union Run Baptist Church, Shadwell Virginia.
Reverend Jackson married his wife, Wanda (Mills) Jackson of Keswick, Virginia, on November 25, 1993. They were blessed with four children prior to this union: Timothy I. Jackson, Jr., Dawnicia L.C. Jackson, Lakeshia M. Mills, and Antoinette Durrette. In their marriage, they were blessed with two additional children, Zacchaeus and Brianna. From these six children, God has blessed them with 11 grandchildren.
In 1996, Minister Jackson attended The Evangel Bible College of Greensboro, North Carolina, founded by the late Doctor and Senior Pastor Otis Lockett. While in North Carolina, Reverend Jackson founded the Evangel Step Team Outreach Ministry where he and other men would go to neighboring areas stepping and spreading the Word of God.
Upon relocating to Charlottesville, Reverend Jackson founded the Outreach Ministry at Union Run Baptist Church, Shadwell Virginia. This ministry consisted of a Men’s and Women’s Prayer Breakfast, as well as an evangelistic step team. He became licensed into the Gospel Ministry on November 15, 1998, under the leadership of Pastor Rickey E. White and was ordained to the work of the Gospel Ministry on March 10, 2007, under the leadership of Pastor Joseph Yancey.
Reverend Jackson is currently under the pastoral care of Edgar Green of Eden Ministries.
The Reverend Timothy I. Jackson, Sr. was installed as pastor of the Baptist Union Baptist Church on Saturday, April 20, 2013. Since then, the Lord has truly blessed our church family with many great accomplishments under his leadership. There are numerous physical changes, spiritual changes and administrative changes that take place over the life of a church for the duration of a pastor’s leadership. During the last ten years, we thank God for the blessing of a pastor who truly loves the Lord.
Not only does he love the Lord, but he also loves his people. His infectious smile is noticeable as he moves through the church. As he is a family man, he knows how to love his ‘children,’ the congregation of the church. As he is a tall person, he cannot move throughout the church without being noticed. As he moves in your direction, he will greet you with a warm smile, a hug, a handshake, a conversation about one of your family members as well as an acknowledgement of love and appreciation for you as a Christian and as a person.
As with all families, there are bumps and bruises along the way. In order to move forward in a Christian manner, a leader must allow for the spirit of collegiality with the purpose of moving God’s program forward. He seeks direction from ‘the family’ and with the backing of the Word, he advances the church to a place where the Lord leads him. These are the blessings bestowed upon the congregation of Baptist Union Baptist Church under the leadership of our pastor, the Reverend Timothy I. Jackson, Sr.
Above all that has been said, the most important of all is that Reverend Jackson is a Born-Again Christian. He is saved only by God’s grace, anointed, and appointed by God to do a work. He believes that walking a life according to God's word is the most effective way of ministering to the lost.